Out the old and in with the new: new french farmhouse buffet decor, that is.
A couple weeks ago I decorated our dining room using tons of copper decor. I’ve been on a copper kick lately, and I’m just loving it mixed with wood tones and white. Our white buffet lives in our dining room, but I didn’t get around to decorating it when I decorated the rest of the room, so I finally put my foot down and got to work on it this week. The first change I made was to swap the mirror vertically. It used to hang horizontally, and while I liked it, I wanted a fresh new look. Taking it down and turning it to sit vertically was the perfect solution because it didn’t cost me a dime, and it created a whole new look.
The garland is a new purchase (#TJMaxxforthewin), and it’s pretty much my new fav. It matches my little shrub tree perfectly, so when I saw the garland in the store, I knew it was meant to be. Isn’t that how you make your purchases, too?
Fortunately, when I went to hang the garland, the old screws for the mirror were still there, so I just attached the garland to them. I didn’t have to make any new holes in the wall or remove the old screws. That’s what I like to call a win-win-win-win.
I carried the copper look through the room and took some of the mugs and the pitcher that were originally sitting in my dining room hutch and moved them to the buffet instead. I’m always rearranging and shopping my home to keep it budget-friendly.
Here’s a shot with the table in view so you can see how much the copper feeds off each other. I still love my silver, but oh my lordy, I love me some copper.
I get tons of questions asking where we got our dining room chairs. They are thrifted vintage chairs that we completely refinished. I tell all in our white waxing and reupholstery adventures post..and, honestly, that’s what they were: adventures. And not ones we’ll do again, if I’m being honest. But, fortunately, they are DONE and we can enjoy them for the rest of time. Side note: We’ll probably never sell these chairs because we invested blood, sweat, and tears in them, which makes them PRICELESS.
After I finished decorating this buffet, I realized I went a little french farmhouse with my design. And it feels just right.
Thanks for visiting my dining room today. Make sure to check out the rest of the dining room and all my fun copper decor.
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