Happy day! I’ve been so eager to spill the gender reveal beans with you and I’m finally ready. In case you’re new around here or don’t follow me on Instagram, I’m 20 weeks pregnant with baby #2!

A few weeks ago, we had a blood test to detect gender. Then, this week at our 20-week ultrasound we got confirmation on baby’s gender.
We are so thrilled to be having another little lady join our family soon. Hannah is ecstatic to have a little sister; she was hoping the baby would be a girl the whole time!

I actually had a feeling that we were having a girl. It’s mostly because I had two dreams about having a girl.
The first dream I had was a year before we conceived. I dreamt of Hannah and another little girl playing in a flower field.
Then, I had another dream in the first trimester of this pregnancy that I had a baby girl and we were splashing around in a baby swimming pool together.

Aside from the dreams, my pregnancy symptoms have been similar to my pregnancy symptoms with Hannah. I had terrible nausea and vomiting. This pregnancy has been a little tougher though because I also experienced extreme fatigue, which I didn’t have with my first pregnancy.
Fortunately, most of the symptoms have subsided now and I’m just feeling tired these days.
Our due date is pretty close to Hannah’s birthday, so our girls will almost be exactly five years apart.

I can’t wait for this next chapter as a mom of two!