Well hello and happy day!! You may have noticed a little something different about my blog lately.
I’ve decided to do a complete rebrand!!!
*cue happy dance*

I’ve actually been wanting to do a rebrand for quite awhile, but I never got to it. It was just never the “right” time. But then I remembered that it’s never the right time.
If you want to do something, JUST DO IT! And so I did. And now here we are. My website is now marlydice.com. YIPPEEE!

So let’s chat about what this means for you as a reader and what you can expect from my blog going forward.
The short answer is: a better website & even more content.
What is a rebrand?
Well, rebranding can mean a couple different things. It could mean that I just redesigned my website to have a completely new look or it could mean that I changed the image and name of my website.
This rebrand is a BIG ONE where I chose to do all of the above.
As you can see, my blog name has changed from A Brick Home to Marly Dice, my URL has changed from abrickhome.com to marlydice.com, and the overall look and feel has changed.
What will be different?
With the new website, you’ll be able to shop my posts more easily and navigate around my site better.
As far as the content, you can still find all the old content from abrickhome.com on here. I’ll still also be producing content that focuses around home decor and DIY.
The main difference with content is that I’ll be expanding the types of content I produce. Particularly, I’d like to add in more lifestyle-type posts to my blog.
Why the rebrand?
As I mentioned earlier, I’ve been thinking about doing this for awhile. I wasn’t feeling connected to my old blog name anymore.
I also really felt confined with the types of content I had to post under that name.
Lately, I’ve been wanting to add more lifestyle-type posts to my blog, and it didn’t quite feel on-target with the name A Brick Home.
By choosing my actual name for my blog name, I’m able to expand my content in any direction I want. I still love home decor and DIY, and I plan to focus the majority of my content in that direction. I just want the flexibility to produce additional content too!
Cool, now what?
Now that you know the reason behind my rebrand, take a look around my new site! I have a new category structure in hopes to help you navigate my site easier.
I also have made shopping my posts more readily available to you.
The other big addition to my website is The MD Shop, which is place where you can shop my home and closet.
There are still lots of tweaks I’m making to make your experience on my site the best one it can be, so please bear with me through this process.
And as always, THANK YOU for continuing on this blogging journey with me. Y’ALL ARE THE ABSOLUTE BEST!