5 Productivity Tips for Spring Cleaning

Raise your hand if you like spring cleaning. Yeah, me neither.

A Brick Home: spring cleaning, spring cleaning checklist, cleaning productivity, cleaning tips

But someone’s gotta do it. If you’re not hiring a professional cleaning service for the fun task of spring cleaning, then that ‘someone’ is probably you.

For me, that’s the case. And for my husband, that is the case also. 😉  I don’t currently hire out the cleaning work at our house, though one day it is my goal. I also don’t have deep cleaning days as often as I should, so I like to take this spring cleaning time to really do a good job making my house shiny and sparkly. If only it weren’t such a daunting task.


Although spring cleaning is a daunting task, there are certain things you can do to try and calm the chaos that ensues with a spring cleaning marathon. Did you catch that? I used the term marathon, because really that’s what it is.

If you treat spring cleaning like a sprint, then you’ll probably get worn out and exhausted before even moving onto the second room in your home.

This is a case of slow and steady wins the race.


If you aren’t a consistent deep cleaner, chances are you will have a lot of work to do to get your home in tip-top shape.

Instead of trying to knock out all the work in a day, spread out your cleaning to-do’s over a period of time. Two weekends, for example, may be the right amount of time to get all your spring cleaning done. This way, you can make time for necessities, like cooking and eating, as well as set aside time to spend with your family and friends.


Now you may think this idea is a bit crazy – who the heck will want to help you clean? Well, probably nobody. But chances are they will help you because they love you. Kids, spouses, parents, and siblings all make for great cleaning helpers.

It may be because I have a toddler and my mom feels for me, but whenever she comes over she always does some type of cleaning task for me. It could be vacuuming a room, cleaning my kitchen counters, or dusting. Whichever task she does, I’m always so thankful. And I have no problem asking my mom and dad for help if I am completely overwhelmed.

Utilize your helpers smartly by divvying up the tasks properly. For example, you’ll want to make sure you keep many of the home organization tasks for yourself. Sorting through mail and throwing out unused household items, for example, are tasks that might be best saved for you. Essentially, any task that has a decision-making component should really be left up to you and your spouse.

You can easily hand off tasks like vacuuming and dusting. It will be a huge relief knowing you have a couple less tasks you have to do. If it’s someone outside your household helping you, remember to thank them by returning the favor or doing something nice for them. I’m pretty sure I owe my mom at least ten mani-pedis by now. 😉


Diving right into cleaning might not be the best use of your time. The best way to tackle this type of undertaking is to make a plan.

Create a complete list of cleaning tasks and sort them by each room. Or, simply use this comprehensive spring cleaning checklist. On the list, you can pick and choose which tasks are appropriate for your home.

If you’re spreading out your tasks over a period of days (which I would recommend), make a schedule and pick which tasks you’re going to do each day. That way, you’ll have goals you need to meet, which will help you stay on track and not miss any cleaning task.


When you’re making your schedule, or using this checklist, start with your “wet rooms,” i.e. kitchen and bathrooms. These rooms tend to be more work, so it’s better to clean them thoroughly first, when you have the most energy. Once you’re done those rooms, move on to easier rooms, like your bedroom and living room.


If you don’t already have one, now it the perfect time to invest in a caddy. Add useful products to your caddy so you can simply carry it throughout the house as you go room-to-room to clean.

The first thing you’ll want to do is look at your cleaning plan and ensure you have all the cleaning products you need. You won’t want to start the cleaning process only to find you don’t have any wood cleaner and have to make a trip to the store right in the middle of what could be a productive cleaning day!

Good luck, and remember to spread out the work… and download this free spring cleaning checklist to get started on the right foot.